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17 Dec 2020

Sweet Love Letter for a cute relationship

My Sweet heart,

A few months ago, I believe that true love only happens to others. Now I, on the other hand, contesting leading a solitary existence given my own eccentricities. But fate obviously has different plans in store for me when our paths crossed.

For some, love doesn't occur in an instant. Even I used to think that love takes some time to grow, especially the kind of deep love that envelops us now. But love can also be strange. If the person feels right in every way, love can take on a level of intensity that we never knew we are capable of feeling.

And this is what I'm experiencing right now. Being with you is comfort, love, security, contentment, passion and happiness, all rolled into one. A myriad of feelings but each works with one another to build a profound emotion in my heart that only you are capable of arousing. This relationship may be fairly new right now but I can earnestly say that I love you with all my heart.

Love you always

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