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29 Dec 2012

A Spontaneous Love Letter

My Darling Barsa,

There are many things in life that are inevitable; I am powerless to control them. The Sun will rise and set, the tide will come in and go out, the seasons will change, the birds will fly south for the winter and return in the spring, and the caterpillar will transform itself into a beautiful butterfly. Somehow, I feel reassured by this because many other things in life are so transient - so momentary.
Nanning, from the moment we met, I knew that our friendship would develop into something lasting and precious, just as I am sure that the caterpillar will one day become a handsome butterfly.
My sweet heart, I believe that our love is sanctified by spirit. It is a union of two approach destined for everlasting happiness. Thus, you have truly become the star of my life which brings me light in this dark world and warmth when I need it. You offer me the promise of renewal, the joy of living, the peace of mind that comes from sharing and caring, and that shoulder to lean on in times of stress. You are my Swallow from Capistrano - my precious butterfly, and I will cherish you and love you forever.

Yours and only yours

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