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29 Dec 2012

Sweet Love Letter

Dear Barsa,

I have discovered that a friendship is something that lives and grows. It requires time, care and attention. It has its ups and downs, but sometimes the difficulties make it stronger than ever. I have discovered that there is something "mysterious" about this relationship between us. It is almost a thing in itself and yet there is nothing one can see or touch. I have seen changes in me because of you, and changes in you because of me. I am the same person i was before and yet, because of your presence in my life, I am different i have become more sure of myself because you like me the way i am. I am interested in more things because you are interested in them. I have grown as a person because of sharing so much with you... And you too have changed, grown, and expanded.

I am learning that there are things in life, the most important things that I cannot see, count or measure in anyway. The qualities and effects of friendship that mean most to me are the very ones I cannot really define or even described. Nor can I describe my Love friend the more I know you and share with you, the more I discover about you.  All I know about you my love friend is that I am better because of you.

Always Yours,


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